Every little thing helps whether is using less plastic in your home or business, starting a wildflower garden, re-using and recycling more, cutting your energy use, doing a street clean, starting a walking club... you get the idea!
Some Ideas for Action
CommunityMost Community Groups are already working to address issues that are covered by the SDG's.
Why not set out how the work of your group relates to the goals and maybe adopt a new goal for the coming year! |
Business |
MeEvery little thing helps whether this is using less plastic in your home or business, starting a wildflower garden, re-using and recycling more, cutting your energy use, doing a street clean, starting a walking club... you get the idea!
You can find more ideas in the Lazy Persons Guide to Saving the World. Get involved in the All Ireland Pollinator Plan |
Something that can help transform these simple actions by many individuals into a truly sustainable community is being able to track and measure the results. Below we will maintain a list of easy-to-use resources that will help you to track your own actions. This list will be extended as appropriate.
Environmental care projects
Recording environmental actions can be done using www.curio.xyz
All records can be tracked through the Enniscorthy ecosystem dashboard
Monitoring and recording biodiversity
Recording features in your local environment, including plants, animals, insects and more helps to support improved environmental management. This can be carried out through the following services.
The National Biodiversity Data Centre: www.biodiversityireland.ie/
The Curio environmental platform: www.curio.xyz
Other Useful Links